
Privacy notice

At TEK, your privacy is our priority. While we do collect some information from our customers and website visitors, we only use it to make your website browsing and purchasing experience easier. We’re in the business of selling metal, not data.

So let’s talk about what we collect and what we do with it. 

The first way we get information is when you give it to us! When you request a quote, place an order, request credit, or contact us, you give us some information to help us serve you. And that’s all we do with it – use it to serve you. Here are some examples:

When you submit an order or request credit, we can’t process your transaction correctly without your name, email, mailing address, and other pertinent data.

We have a few trusted partners and service providers, like our IT support, who have access to our systems to make sure they’re working right and giving you a seamless experience.

We may notify you about things like important changes to the website, new services, products that may interest you, and special offers we think you’ll want to know about. You can opt out of our distribution list using the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of an email.

The second way we get information is from cookies on our site. Cookies are a tool that provides information about the computer used by a website visitor, and they’re something you can easily disable. When you’re signed into your account, cookies help us understand your preferences so we can provide a better experience for you on our site. Here’s how we use them: 

We monitor traffic patterns on our site to help us develop the right content to help you find what you need. We may also show you information about products and services we think may be relevant to you, and we may customize your website experience for added convenience.

We look at how visitors got to our site so we know which other sites are referring people to us.

We also aggregate general usage data to help our marketing team determine where we should advertise. This means we’ll know if a high percentage of our site visitors also use sites like LinkedIn, for example. If you don’t want this type of information collected, simply disable cookies on your computer.

Do we sell your information? Never.

Do we store your data securely? Absolutely. We use Secure Sockets Layer data encryption (SSL), which is endorsed by the World Wide Consortium and is the de facto standard for secure data transmission. SSL encrypts all information you input before it is sent to us. Furthermore, all of the customer data we collect is protected against unauthorized access. We have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and help prevent unauthorized access, maintain data security, and correctly use the information we collect online.

Do we disclose your information to others? We do not disclose your information other than in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If your data is ever disclosed, it’s for a necessary business function or legal reason, and we ensure the access is secure. This could include sharing with trusted partners and service providers like our IT team or others who can offer products and services we think are relevant to you. We also will turn over information when required by law.

Do we link to third-party sites? Yes, we occasionally link to third-party websites to help make your shopping and browsing experience even more convenient. We do not, however, endorse or approve content on third-party sites. We encourage you to review other sites’ privacy policies before providing them with your information.

Can you request access to the personal information we may have on you? Yes, we’re happy to show you what personal information of yours is in our system. Please note that we reserve the right to charge a small fee to cover the costs we’ll incur by addressing your request.

Will this policy ever change? Our commitment to your privacy won’t change, but sometimes we have to change the language of this policy. We’ll always keep the most updated policy here on our site, where you can access it anytime. If you have questions, please contact us.